Our friends at Ubisoft put on quite the show yesterday - here's a quick recap:
Ghost Recon Wildlands

Mexican drug cartels have seized cocoa plants in Bolivia, becoming the most successful mass producers of cocaine worldwide.
You get to drive many vehicles and have access to an arsenal of weapons to capture and take down members of the drug cartel.
South Park
South Park The Stick of Truth returns with South Park The Fractured But Whole. In a hilarious demo, this sequel is a parody of Captain America Civil War.
Featuring Cartman's coon and his posse dressed as superheroes who become divided and enter a "civil war" over who gets the most share of superhero movie rights.
The Division
Tom Clancy's the Division gets its first expansion titled "Underground" and Survival is up next to be released.

Star Trek Bridge Crew (VR)
Star Trek veterans Levar Burton, Jeri Ryan and Karl Urban made an appearance in a demo of Star Trek Bridge Crew -- a new title being released for the HTC Vive - allowing you (to as the title says) operate a bridge crew with your friends like a true commanding officer.For Honor

The game looks fantastic and slash moves with the axe -- gory. For Honor releases next Valentines Day 2017.
Eagle Flight (VR)
In a game of capture the flag (or rabbit) with flying eagles, players strapped on an Oculus to go head-to-head during this fun-looking demo.
Assassin's Creed Movie
It wouldn't be Ubi E3 without Assassin's Creed making an appearance. Exclusive behind-the-scenes clips of the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie were shown, featuring Michael Fassbender playing Callum Lynch.
Lynch is a decendant of the mysterious secret society of the Assassins and must use his inborn abilities to take down the Templars.
Watch Dogs 2

A new extreme winter sports IP called Steep is coming out this December. With stunning visuals and incredible stunts, this is sure to allow for some competitive online races and time trials.
The last E3 Conference is up to Sony to take center stage.
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