A Daring Expedition - no. A Dangerous Endeavour.
Tired of my drama? In layman's terms, it's a risk.
Why can't we play God of War or Uncharted on Xbox; and of course, what about Halo?
How about Heavy Rain?
The most recent example is Rise of the Tomb Raider's for the Xbox One - released on the same day as Fallout 4 actually.
Hmm. Choosing game release dates.
I could write a whole post about that, but the gist of it is do not have two games scheduled for the same release date!
It did not do Tomb Raider justice; we've been waiting for some 5 years for Fallout 4.
I'm not sure if they thought people would happily bundle the two when they line up outside Gamestop at 12 midnight, to sort of ride off Bethesda.
In short, it apparently didn't work.
Now they have to bundle it with an Xbox to make up for it.
Which brings back to the topic at hand.
Where would games be without its capstone woman-lead Lara Croft?
No the real one.
Video game movies ...
That's a whole other post, but the essence is it should stop at comics; when did one actually turn out successfully?
Besides, video games trump movies (lot more post ideas coming ...)
Rise of Tomb Raider released on November 10th, for the Xbox One.
Only the Xbox One.
At least it's only a timed exclusivity - but still PC and PS4 guys were not happy to have to wait longer to play the sequel - almost three months for those of us on PC and ... over a year for the PS4 team. Ouch.
Why Xbox? I'm a fan of the 360 here, but are there even enough Ones to make this worthwhile?
Sony has a lot more exclusive titles that people actually care about. Microsoft's always had their Halo.
Everyone is trying to compete here. They need a reason for people to switch over - but is Microsoft that desperate?
Does anyone win at all? Making players happy and money in the process?
In the end it's just a game with little boys in the industry, trying to show each other up and consumers become royally annoyed. Well done.
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